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Independent Councillors make up the second largest group of Councillors in Wales.
As Independent Councillors we have no political allegiance and unlike other political groups do not have to take heed of political diktats or dogma and there is no pressure on an INDEPENDENT Councillor to vote one way or another.
INDEPENDENT Councillors either live within the areas they represent or have very close associations with the area. INDEPENDENT councillors in Carmarthenshire have joined together to form an INDEPENDENT group in order to influence decisions made at council level for the benefit of the areas they represent and the County as a whole.
They have local knowledge about local issues and problems which enables them to act quickly and with an understanding on issues and concerns that give problems to their local communities. We believe that party politics should play no part in Local Democracy and that councillors should be elected for their skills and abilities, not because of their party allegiances.
Above all, we are the voice and champions of our communities and county. In order to work effectively for our areas we need to listen to our communities, understand their point of view and respond.
Tweets by carms_indiesIndependent Councillors make up the second largest group of Councillors in Wales.
As Independent Councillors we have no political allegiance and unlike other political groups do not have to take heed of political diktats or dogma and there is no pressure on an INDEPENDENT Councillor to vote one way or another.
INDEPENDENT Councillors either live within the areas they represent or have very close associations with the area. INDEPENDENT councillors in Carmarthenshire have joined together to form an INDEPENDENT group in order to influence decisions made at council level for the benefit of the areas they represent and the County as a whole.
They have local knowledge about local issues and problems which enables them to act quickly and with an understanding on issues and concerns that give problems to their local communities. We believe that party politics should play no part in Local Democracy and that councillors should be elected for their skills and abilities, not because of their party allegiances.
Above all, we are the voice and champions of our communities and county. In order to work effectively for our areas we need to listen to our communities, understand their point of view and respond.
A few of the projects in which the INDEPENDENT group have supported key developments.
A few of the projects the INDEPENDENT group have been involved with.
The Wellness and Life Science Village will aim to deliver health, wellbeing and economic benefit to the people of Llanelli and the region. The project proposes to deliver a cluster of new facilities with ideas including a new sports and wellbeing centre a wellness hotel, an incubation facility for business start-up, growth and research and development ,assisted living, a health care centre, a learning and development facility for wellness and life science, together with associated housing and health tourism assets. The project will create significant job opportunities across many professions.
The master plan for Burry Port includes investment in the harbour walls. The town will benefit greatly from the amount of interest from the private sector to create a leisure and commercial centre creating a number of jobs.
We have been successful as a group of INDEPENDENT Councillors because we welcome the opportunity to work with partners who can bring their knowledge and expertise to help bring about a successful outcome to projects.
As can be evidenced above the success of the INDEPENDENT group in Carmarthenshire has worked very well for the benefit of our residents. We are the first to admit that we do not always get things right BUT on balance the improvements to services and employment opportunities is something of which we are justifiably proud.
How do you go about becoming a councillor?
To become a county councillor you will have to stand for election in early May 2017. Unlike the political parties (who financially sponsor their candidates) you will have to pay for your election expenses yourself. There is no deposit to be paid so the only expenses are for the leaflets you will need to post through doors and also the time involved before the election on visiting and speaking to residents in your electoral area.
As INDEPENDENT group members we will advise and help you with your election material and also with the door knocking if needed.
What is your commitment as a County Councillor?
Full Council meets once a month usually on a Wednesday morning.
Scrutiny committees meet every 6 weeks although should you wish to be on more than one, and the membership allows for this, your time commitment will increase.
Regulatory committees i.e. Planning Committee meets every 3 weeks whilst the Licensing committee meets regularly when needed. So, the time you are able to give to will be taken into account when your committees are assigned.
At present, all committees take place during the day, but a new Council is able to decide when Council Meetings take place.
Constituency problems will take up a large part of your work load and it is impossible to quantify how busy you will be. From experience, it seems to occur in fits and starts. Sometimes you will be busy and at other times there will be no concerns in your area - so nothing to do.
What help will I get?
INDEPENDENT councillors may rely on help from their colleagues. To begin with you will be paired up with an experienced "Buddy" who will be available to help you in your first few months, should you so wish.
As a Councillor you will be entitled to an I pad and any training you may require. Travelling expenses are paid for approved duties and of course, all councillors receive a basic salary as prescribed by the Independent Remuneration Panel.
There will be an extended period of induction training that will give you a good insight into the working of the Council and its officers.
You will also have the assistance of our Members Services Department who will help you with day to day enquiries from your residents or businesses.
INDEPENDENT group members can seek help at any time from the INDEPENDENT group officers and their fellow councillors.
We hope, after reading this, you might be interested in representing your area as an INDEPENDENT Councillor at the next County Council elections to be held on 4th May 2017. We look forward to meeting you.
PAM PALMER - 01267 253429 (Leader of the INDEPENDENT group)
MAIR STEPHENS - 01267 267428 (Deputy Leader of the INDEPENDENT group)